My friend Joseph has written in his blog about the protests and media hype that is going across India regading the visit of Mr. George W Bush. This is my opinion, reply, argument.. whatever.
I think there is something wrong with these “protesters”. They are the people who actually makes up the hype for GWB’s visit to India. Nowadays it has become a tradition for these “soldiers of culture” to protest against anything and everything!
If the protest is because of what his stand was against Taliban and IRAQ, here is my personal opinion.
1. Taliban was the worst form of Islam extremism. It needed an end. Remember one Indian aircraft was hijacked and illegally flown above Packistan and landed in Kabul?. That day we saw what terrorism means. It is not just smuggling things in and out of Inida. It is not just killing some people with bombs. It becomes even worse when they start to play and negotiate with lives. When they start to take the freedom away from us. What we did when our Parliament was attacked? We arrested a few people and found that there was certain extremist groups behind the same. Then? . Like always, we slowed down. We left the case as it is. Where is the people who sent the bombers. Who gave them bombs and guns? Who funded them? There are endless cases like this. Our polititians are not interested in finding out all this. American did. And they reacted. Where is Taliban now?.
2. IRAQ was a “big mistake” from GWB’s words itself. And it is not only the president’s order to attack IRAQ. If I am not wrong, USA has a senate which can even “veto” it’s president over the decisions. So why they kept silent. What about the allies of USA in this war?. Be it power politics or tactics, you cannot blame GWB alone.
GWB’s visit can be a “show” for the media and they will try to get the most out of it. But the protester’s words are “just adding to the fun” for this media morons. They are not actually going to show GWB that most of India does not want to see him here.
GWB has a great tolerance to critics. He is facing it in his own country itself. It is not a new thing to him and his party. This is not going to make any difference at all.
I do not see any harm in his coming to India. It would actually bring in more world attention to India in regards to business and politics. It will give our people a chance to express our stand in many global issues today.
USA is not an enemy of India. They are providing us cutting edge technology, thousands of jobs (where our govermnets just promise jobs!) and support in many other areas.
My questions is, then why we need to protest? You are welcome, Mr. Bush.
You got some valid points here. However I would like to comment on something:
1) Taliban war can be justified in one way. But have you noticed the increased number of US military bases in Asia and Middle East? It is clear from itself that terrorism is not the only concern of US. I remember an old story where no one believed when the boy shouted “the tiger comes…”
2) So committing a crime (with knowing it is a crime) and then admitting that it was a mistake afterwards would make a criminal a saint? I do not know how the US senate works, but if the majority of the senate has the Bush supporters what can the rest do with it? And that’s not all, Bush has succeeded in using terrorism to keep in power.
Do I really need to say about the allies of US? They do not have a choice because after 9/11 Bush declared either you are with America or you are with terrorists. And nobody would like the ‘big brother’ being angry against them. Still countries like France voiced against US at times.
GWB has a great tolerance to critics? I couldnt help laughing at this. I would say he has a skin harder than anything else in this world.
If USA has sent over jobs through our way, it is becaue they know they can get their jobs done in lowest expenses. It is not because they do not have professionals in their country, but they can get the same expertise for the cheap rates. I don’t think they would ever cease the flow of outsourcing to India (if the other countries do not get in with a cheap bid) because the corporates who help keeping American economy stable wouldn’t simply agree with it. And the govt cannot pretend they do not see these corporates’ need.
I am sure this protest wouldn’t affect him at all, because he really do not care. But there should be the distant voices that will make an effect in the long run.
After all, we are not protesting against the coutry or it’s people and not even Bush himself, but his evil acts and the desire to do anything to keep in power.
Oh and while I mentioned only the outsourced jobs, how could I forget the softdrink giants who grown with America itself and the Coke which had become another words for USA?
Iraq was a mistake and should be forgiven? Yeah, Bin Laden is gonna tell you that hitting the Towers was a mistake, pls forgive the Al-Q. So lets stop the goddamn war against terrorism.
You talk about the hijacked plane? Hey where was the US with all their military might and sense of liberation? Ha…..They couldn’t do a shit b’cos of their alliance with the Paks. Poof !
Just b’cos a few millions in Germany thought that a stark raving maniac was right, didn’t make Hitler right.
And when several millions across the world thought that invading Iraq was not right, did make Bush wrong. Where’s the difference? The latter, a bigger case of megalomania ?
Its not the Americans we hate, its exactly the “soldiers of culture†stuff that you make it out to be. And Hey, I’m proud to be a part of the culture cos I have the guts and the perception to protest against the bad vibes whenever and wherever I can…
Just b’cos Bush comes on a 3-day visit to India would not fetch us a million jobs or develop business extensively. What is already happening is only bound to grow b’cos of IT and globalisation in India. On the contrary, it is costing us Crores of Rs in arrangements and diplomatic crap. Not a justifiable investment in returns for favours from a fickle-minded President who follows double-standards in all issues concerning India.
Hey, Bill Gates came to India and no one objected. Cos he came here with an open mind, with love and Friendship in his heart. AND HE EXTENDED THAT FRIENDSHIP ON EQUAL TERMS.
My two sense there 🙂
1. It is a clever move from USA to make military bases in Asia and other places like that. Then again, how come it is a reason to protest against Bush?. It has been the policy of USA since the days of cold war.
2. At least he admitted it was a mistake. What about our polititians? They just do wrong things and just walk away from the court using their political and money power.
3. By “tolerance” I meant exactly what you said. It simply make any differece to him. He is a polititian!
4. Be it an outsourced job, the most of the IT guys gets a very good pay as compared to that in other fields just because of that. Why we need to say like ” I want what you pay for an american “. They are giving us jobs. Money is flowing to our pockets. We cannot deny that the govenrment policy changes made it happen. But what if any US company did not come here?. Yes, they came for their benifit . It is business man. No one does charity here. But they are paying us more than indian standards to get their job done. And like you said, the corporates is U.S. simply won’t allow to stop outsourcing. They have already spent crores on developing infrastructure and man-power here.You cannot deny that IT outsourcing is playing a big role in todays economy boom in India.
If a war happens between India and Pakistan, you cannot simply blame Abdul Kalam or Manmohan singh. Our parliament and polititians are resposible for it.They also have an almost same structure in their country. Then why we are blaming bush alone?
I agree to your last point. We should oppose to the ideas that are against us or humanity. Not a single guy.
Hi “The Peace Tribe”,
I think answered most of your points in my reply to Jo.
The hijacked plane was an indian airlines aircraft and it was our government that was not able to react. Why we needed USA at that time? Why did our government asked for help from USA? Can’t we fight it all the way? Why we did not indulge in an argument with Pakistan saying “if you are not with us, you are with them!” ? This is what exactly USA did when it happened to them.
GWB’s visit may not fetch us jobs or money. But hs wisit would definitely get some global media and politics attention to our country which is very very important. Thsi is a chance for us to express what we really stand for.
I don’t really wanted to talk about the “soldiers of culture”.I must say that when they feel that they are not getting enough media attention, they always used come up with something like this.
And ha, I am an Indian too(in all senses).