Author Archives: Rajesh Sivaraman

About Rajesh Sivaraman

System Admin for a living. When not spending time with family, friends or work, plays with Linux and facebook.

Terrorism(?) in India

I got this pictures via my friend Joseph’s Blog.

It shows various pictures related to “Bajrang Dal”. Looking at these pictures, I can’t stop wondering why “Bajrang Dal” is not banned yet !

May be this is one area that India is at par with all other countries in the world – Political Terrorism !

Say Hello to Ovi

Ovi is now Live !

Nokia has made it’s Ovi internet services publicly available. This is one stop shop for all people who own Nokia phones to make use of this integrated services offering. Ovi allows you to share files, sync your contacts, manage your photos and videos, navigation packs, games, music and lots more..

P.S. Ovi in Finnish means “Door” !

Check it out !

About FOSS and Software Piracy

A post in my friend Jo’s Blog brought me back into thinking about FOSS and Software Piracy.

FOSS is great concept. I am running Debian Linux in my home PC which is pretty good for all my day to day activities and entertainment. My wife loves using it for browsing the net and watching movies etc. She says “it never shows a blue screen” 🙂

In my opinion, one should use the applications which are helping him/her to achieve what he/she wants. If it is a commercial product, please pay for it.

In many cases, I have seen that people does not care when it comes to licenses and software piracy.we show an utter lack of respect to the developers or companies who develop these products.

If you are not finding it easy to pay for a software/operating system, at least try FOSS before jumping into software piracy. 🙂