Author Archives: Rajesh Sivaraman

About Rajesh Sivaraman

System Admin for a living. When not spending time with family, friends or work, plays with Linux and facebook.

About and the likes

Found this article while I was just browsing through some websites..

I also used to get invitations about joining and similar websites. Further searching about the same issue showed me more results.

Moral of the story is : Keep away from ‘free things’ if you really does not need it. 🙂

Wedding Photo

Hi All,

For all those who missed to attend our wedding, here is two pictures. 🙂

Flower Show 2008

It was a lazy saturday and Leo suggested that we should go and enjoy the flower show. To be frank, I was not so interested in going out that evening. Now I feel that I would have missed a wonderful event. The event was held in Lalbaug and it was simply amazing ! . Apart from the flowers, they had a very good collection of Agricultural plants and Bonsai Trees as exhibits.

Tickets costed 40 Rs per person, but to my surprise, they were charging 200 Rs for car parking !!!!

I captured some pictures using my Nokia N82 Phone.