ChandraMukhi :
This movie was supposed to be a remake of an evertime hit Malayalam movie “Manichitrathazhu”. I should say from a rajani fan view, this is a good movie. The crew did some tweaks in the original sotry to make it suitable for the “Rajni effect”, but still it’s an enjoyable movie with some nice comedy scenes from Rajnikanth and Vadivelu. But if you tell me to compare the movie with the original… there it goes, the tamil version is not at all good when we compare the performance of the actors as well as the script. Biju called me last week and said that after he saw Jyothika as “Nagavalli ( Chandramukhi )” , he now respects Shobhana much more than he used to. I told him that this is not Jyothika’s fault at all.. After all she had put her 100% of efforts to push her eyeballs out everytime she becomes “Chandramukhi” :-).
XXX2 – The Next Level :
This movie should be named as “The Level Below..” or something like that… Despite having a good fanfare for the first movie of this sequel, the director failed to impress the audience. Actor IceCage – introuduced as the next XXX, the secret agent looks like a pathetic clone of old James Bond. If you like to see some rough explosions, a plot that makes no sense and some eyecatching computer animation, go watch this movie. Don’t forget to unplug your brain before entering the theatre. :-D. And what the hell is an actor like “Samuel Jackson” doing in this crap ??!!